
Lamprey River Advisory Committee Video

"Connecting Lives on the Lamprey" Video

Water is our most valuable natural resource: it is our future. More than anything else, the cumulative actions of people will determine whether our water remains a clean and usable asset to humans and wildlife, or whether our water becomes a liability.

In June 2011, the State of New Hampshire recognized the entire Lamprey River and its major tributaries as worthy of protection and consideration. What does this mean for the people who live along it?

Working together and seeing the Lamprey River and its surrounding watershed as one, inseparable unit, we can continue to enjoy the river's resources and plan for a bright future for those who call the river home. Water conects us as people as it connects the land.

The Lamprey River Advisory Committee is pleased to offer this glimpse into some of the challenges and valuable work of the people who care about and for the Lamprey River. The challenges belong to us all and we all play a part in keeping the water clean.