Places of Interest
There are many places of interest in Candia. Here are a few of our favorites.

View a map of Candia's Conservation Land. There are more detailed maps of
some of the town-owned parcels below.

Deerfield Road Town Forest
Map of Deerfield Road Town Forest
Thanks to the generosity of the townspeople of Candia at the 2005 Town Meeting, Candia was able to purchase the Deerfield Road Town Forest—82 acres on Deerfield Road. It is a key parcel in the important wildlife corridor linking Bear Brook and Pawtuckaway State Parks.
There are two miles of hiking trails on the property. In October 2023, this map was updated by Keith Sangillo, as part of his Eagle Scout project.

Dennis Lewis Town Forest
Map of Dennis Lewis Town Forest
The Dennis Lewis Town Forest (prev. New Boston Road Town Forest) is located on New Boston Road. In 2022, the New Boston Road Town Forest was renamed to Dennis Lewis Town Forest, in honor of Dennis Lewis, a dedicated commission member who loved the forest and nature. A new bridge, a new sign and a new bench were created to remember Dennis and his extraordinary dedication to our town.
This walking trail is primarily a conifer stand with some mixed hardwoods. The boy scouts have identified many of the different species of trees. In October 2023, this map was updated by Keith Sangillo, as part of his Eagle Scout project.
View these fun 3D videos, provided by Judi Lindsey:

Hemlock Drive Town Forest
Map of Hemlock Drive Town Forest
The Hemlock Drive Town Forest is located on Hemlock Drive, near Chester Turnpike.
A short, out and back walk, this Conservation trail is 1/2 mile round trip. In October 2023, this map was updated by Keith Sangillo, as part of his Eagle Scout project.

Flint Road Town Forest
The Flint Road Town Forest is a 66 acre tract located on Flint Road. A trail on the property is named after a local doctor, Hermann Sander, who donated the land to the town. Some of the trails leading through it were developed by Candia Eagle Scouts. This parcel sits on the edge of one of the few remaining large unfragmented blocks in Candia, which the town Open Space Plan recommends for protection. The block also contains Kinnicum Pond and a heron rookery. The Conservation Commission has developed a management plan for the town forest, which will be used as an exemplary model for local landowners/loggers.
In the Summer of 2023, Forester Charlie Moreno did a timber harvest on the Flint Road Town Forest in Candia. Approximately 15-18% of the harvestable trees were removed. Selective cutting such as these actually enhance the remaining trees and create new habitats for wildlife. The trails are currently under review.

Kinnicum Pond
Kinnicum Pond is one of Candia's most sensitive areas. Known as a peat bog, it includes the headwaters of Moose Meadows. It contains some specialized plant species. This parcel is in one of the few remaining large unfragmented blocks in Candia and the town Open Space Plan recommends it for protection. Access in warm weather is from the south, but visitors need to be VERY careful to stand on the plywood pieces located there, or they will sink in!

Heron Rookery
The Heron Rookery is another sensitive area in Candia. It's proximity to paved roads and increasing development makes it vulnerable to extinction. The rookery sits on the edge of a large unfragmented block, which also contains the town forest and Kinnicum Pond. The town Open Space Plan recommends protection of this block. There have been as many as 10 nests counted at the rookery in the past, however the numbers are dwindling. Visitors are asked to come after June, when the young chicks are less vulnerable to the intrusion. From the shore, one can watch young Great Blue Herons sit patiently on their treetop nests, waiting for parents to come and feed them. It's a sight worth waiting to see, and a natural treasure worth protecting.